Friday, May 1, 2009

Ahhhh, the school play.

Is there anything more endearing/sidesplittingly hilarious than a school play?

Other than that TV show where people fall down in every way possible, I think the answer is "No." Without going into the gory details of costume hysteria, dragging all three of my children into Goodwill to find a green t-shirt ("don't touch ANYTHING. ANYTHING. I MEAN it. "), staying up until 1 a.m. resewing a headpiece that originally looked like a klan hood, and listening to "We're all in the same boat now" about 47 million times, here are a few photos and a quick clip of the action.

Oh, and just to set the scene - Noah's Ark, from the animals' perspective. My kid's the one in the "lounge lizard' costume. He was so stoked on his first speaking part - and he never dropped a line! Which is awesome, because if he had we wouldn't have heard some of these zingers - "What is it, couples night? Everyone seems to be coming in two by two!" and "It's raining cats and dogs out there - I should know, I just stepped in a poodle!" Seriously.

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