Thursday, June 4, 2009

we want a pitcher, not a belly itcher!

Jack got to pitch at the game last night. He was super excited. And nervous. And extremely emotional, because we had just broken the news that he'll be changing schools next year. Which is sad, and good, and scary, and exciting all at the same time.

He did brilliantly.

I know you don't really want people to get hits when you pitch, but in first grade baseball, it means that you actually got the ball in the vicinity of the plate, and another player was actually able to make contact with it. It's a good thing.

Two different kids hit off of him. He was the only one. I say that in my small, I'm totally not bragging about my kid voice. So maybe it won't seem obnoxious. But probably, it will.

Have I mentioned how much I love baseball season?

1 comment:

Tracey said...

WOW he looks like a book reading, ball throwing, ball hitting 2nd grader!!!


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