Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm a blog loser...sorry for no posts!

Yes, I know. I'm not real consistent about blogging these days. But in my defense, I've been a teeny bit busy. After coming home from San Diego, we had a couple of big events around here. The first was not so much an event as a catastrophe - our wonderful friends the Brewers lost their house to a fire. They have three boys who are great buddies to our boys - schoolmates, park friends, all around fun guys. Since they were waiting to get into a rental, and we have a big extra bedroom, they have been staying with us for the last week. We've had lots of fun, considering the circumstances. The boys are in HOG HEAVEN. I'm pretty sure they're going to totally want to go on strike or something when it's back to just boring old me around here. Anyhow, the Brewers are being well taken care of on all fronts - by their friends, by our church, by the community, and most importantly by their insurance company. They're in good hands all the way around.

The other big event last week was Chloe's first pre-op appointment with Dr. Wehby, her neurosurgeon, and her CAT scan. We had a rough go of it at first. Apparently, our doctor doesn't like to sedate newborns unless she has to, so they told me to bring Chloe in and feed her in the waiting room, and hopefully she'd fall asleep. I'm thinking..."doesn't she have to be really, really still?" Let's just say that whole theory didn't really work out. So the tech calls up, and the doctor gives orders for sedation. Only she can't have sedation that day, because we just fed her. In the waiting room. Which they told us to do. Hmmmmmm. We did not want to come back another day - Shawn had taken time off, and my mom was watching the boys. So the nurses wrapped her in those heated hospital blankets, I fed her one more time in a dark room...and presto chango. She literally stayed asleep, perfectly still, for about 7.2 minutes. But that was long enough. Perfect pictures of her beautiful brain, and all the rest of her head parts as well. We then got to go see our doctor, and basically she told us that Chloe's diagnosis was still the same - Left Coronal Craniosynostosis. She also reassured us that her brain looks great - there is no bulging, pressure, or anything like that. She is very confident about the surgery, and it looks like we will be scheduling it for mid to late September. So please keep Chloe in your prayers!


Tracy said...

We'll be praying for little Chloe!

Tammy Williams said...

She is for sure in our prayers. What an adorable little girl she is...and very strong.


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