Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Roundup....

I'm behind. Again. But this time, it's mostly because we haven't come inside for DAYS. Literally. I think my kids come in to bathe before bedtime, which essentially is just a finger in the dam against the dirtiness that will come again the next day. But that's how it should be, right?

So, here's the round up of the long weekend - we ate, we slept in, we ripped out overgrown wild rosebushes and put in a future salsa garden (with some basil thrown in for good measure), we played, we bounced, we swung, we built things, and then the mama and the daddy had a well earned overnight away to Portland. You know, as a trial run. For...ahem...Paris. Which is in THREE WEEKS. Three weeks, people. I'm just a teeny bit excited. Just a teeny.

Happy Summer.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Did you say "three weeks"? oh sweet mercy!!! :-)


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