Saturday, May 30, 2009

to market we will go

I had a different title in mind for this post. for real. but a) it wasn't that original and b) when you only update your blog every week or so, other people get to title their posts first. But we REALLY DO HEART FARMERS MARKET. Sarri, you're too quick!

Anyhow, we love farmers market. This year, we are part of a CSA (community supported agriculture) so we have already been loving our seasonal, fresh veggies. But there is something so great, so social, so fun about cruising our HUGE (sarcasm voice here) downtown Farmer's Market. We always get snacks, we always see people we know and love, we chat, we drink lemonade, we manhandle fruit. It's great. I love it. In fact, I heart it.

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