Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I have to post about the MOST DRAMATIC night of reality tv EVER. What is there to say? Anyone who watched has their own opinions about what happened on the Bachelor season finale. But the part that made me die laughing was the sudden EXPLOSION that happened on facebook, myspace, twitter, and every other possible social networking gig. The entertainment blogs, the network news stations, for crying out loud. And all this over a show that (I thought) was sort of embarassing to admit I watched! Suddenly out of the woodwork come all the secret Bachelor watchers. Grown men. Husbands, even, who've been doing the drive-by watching all season long. Anyhow, if you're interested in a few other opinions, including a blog from the host guy and a link to Jimmy Kimmel's interview with the dumbest man on TV, click here, here and here.

My two cents? Well, it certainly isn't "reality" television in my opinion if a guy thinks he can date two women (and they're both okay with it), take a fantasy trip to another country, propose to one, send the other one packing and completely humiliated, then dump the first one on national television to get back with the one he kicked to the curb and still walk out of that studio with all his important bits intact. Reality? I don't think so.
Great television? In a train wreck that you can't look away from way, certainly. And come on, everyone needs a guilty pleasure here and there!

1 comment:

Judy said...

And you know you'll be watching the follow-up tonight, too!!! Ggrrr! I really liked him even! 'Til he turned jerky! :)


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